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It has been well over a year since I started working from home thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, and exactly one year and 5 weeks since I wrote my first working from home chronicles. I have gone through all the motions of the change in environment, the lows , the highs, I found my rhythm, I flat-lined, I picked up again, and repeat. I am looking forward to the day I get to write about when life goes back to normal; hence the end of these chronicles. Sadly this 9th entry isn’t that as the virus is still very much with us and a greater danger than before.

However, it is the end of something, the end of my time at Soko. One year, 5 months ago I would not have imagined leaving the company. I still felt young and needed to learn so much more from my colleagues and superiors there. I was also very grateful to be able to keep my job at a very uncertain time. I’m on my final week and it all feels so surreal, and a little sad. I have built the best working relationships throughout my time there and have been lucky enough to have good bosses who have played a major role in the next step of my career. Luckily I get to keep some of those relationships even after leaving.

A lot has happened over the past year. I have been forced to adjust in more ways than one. I have sunk to my lowest and managed to come out of it a different person, I have improved as a software engineer and I’ve learnt to be more disciplined still working on that though. What I’m happiest about is that I am not the same person I was a year ago.

I did get to go on that canceled trip with my grandmother finally. Chronicles 1 will catch you up on what I’m talking about. 

Stay tuned to find out where I’m headed next.