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Try not. Do or do not. There is no try


The Fun Side

Being a Software Engineer

Chronicles of working from home 9: The end of a season

It has been well over a year since I started working from home thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, and exactly one year and 5 weeks…
Being a Software Engineer

Tons of meetings, end of sprint, merge conflicts and IWD!

Whew! This week was a crazy marathon. Trying to get to the finish line of the sprint whilst juggling through hurdles made of build and…
Being a Software Engineer

My Balancing Act

A little over a year ago I wrote an article about balancing work and school based on how other software engineers were managing doing their…
Stepping into the Spotlight: Embracing the MC Role Beyond My Comfort Zone
A Week Of Emotions
Mac, Windows and Linux – my experience in using all 3 operating systems
Building my consistency muscle in 2021
Reasons your PC may be slow.

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