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I don’t mean to be presumptuous but I think I speak for many people when I say there’s nothing as satisfying as crossing off tasks from your to-do list. Crossing them off on time no less! I personally feel like I can take on the world when that happens. This week has seen a lot of that. In my day job especially and a little bit in my personal life. 💅🏽

My Christmas break ended a week after our sprint began, and bam! it was all systems go as soon as I turned on my computer. Frankly I was a little bit stressed out because I only had precisely week and three days to cosy up with a new repository and dive into coding in a new tech stack. New in the sense that I had not worked with Typescript before in a production setting. I am using it in a little personal project that’s coming up . Watch this space! 😉

There was the temptation to immediately start working on my tasks, and push learning aside but boy am I glad I did not do that. I set aside almost the entire first week to just learn, playing around with the humongous repository, understanding how the code is structured, and even setting up the project, which always takes longer than expected in my experience. The rest of the days involved actually coding up my tasks. Alongside feature tasks, I picked up a bug to solve. For a moment there I felt like that may have been too ambitious but it was a pretty good way to understand the code base a bit more. And it was also a way to stand out.

Trying to be better than I was last year 🙂 

So, this week turned into a late-evening marathon of conquering tasks – not that I’m complaining! I managed to keep the sprint’s deadlines in check, but here’s the plot twist: my after-work shenanigans took a hit. No blog articles, minimal reading, the canvas missed my paintbrush, and my book-club app dreams felt a bit neglected. Time for a plot twist in my schedule, especially on the weekends. Gotta sprinkle some fun back into my life, you know? 🌙💻🎨

I got to make dinner more than twice though! And got to finish a painting I was working on eventually.

On top of all that, guess what? I played the superhero to myself and managed to cook up a plan for next week’s sprint, kicking off on Monday! Taking all the quirky lessons from this week’s rollercoaster ride to spice up the adventure in the coming week. Because, let’s be real, if we’re not turning mishaps into magic, what are we even doing? ✨🚀

This week’s golden nugget of wisdom: It turns out, embracing the art of pre-game, learning the ropes before diving in works like a charm. Time saved, frustration avoided, and productivity soaring! A solid 10/10 on the “Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner” scale. Highly recommend for your sanity’s sake! 🚀🧠✨

After the whirlwind of a week I just conquered, you’d assume I’m powered by a coffee IV drip, right? Well, surprise! Not a single sip of the java potion. Instead, I fancied myself a tea wizard, concocting magical blends with turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon—basically, I turned my kitchen into a potion lab. Who needs caffeine when you’ve got a cauldron of spiced enchantments? ☕✨ I very well think I would have been the A student in Professor Slughorn’s class. 🪄🧙🏽

See you next week for another recap. Fingers crossed it’s as good as this one, and if not, better!

Off to have a glass of wine, and cosy up with my book. Ideal Friday night if you ask me! 🍷📖

Recipes I made this week: Chicken parm, sweet potato fries, spaghetti & mince

My current read : The Book Thief by Markus Zusak –  If you haven’t read it, please do!. If you have, well there’s no rule against re-reading it! 📖

My go to red wine when I’m too lazy to think about what to have Nederbug Cabernet Sauvignon. Can’t go wrong with that!


Let me know how your week was 🙂