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I’m on leave for a few days, during this self-quarantine time, but I did not expect not to be able to go anywhere, other than the backyard or just the front door of where I live. That’s not what a girl dreams of when she plans leave months in advance to have some hot weather and sandy beaches RnR. Though, if there is anything my grandmother taught me, it was to adapt. This is the hand we’ve been dealt, and all I can do is adapt. So instead of soaking in the sun RnR, I get at-home RnR, which, to be honest, is bitter-sweet. Sweet because I’m at home, bitter because it’s indefinite.


Keeping busy

I get to write every day well for the past 2 days and I have more time for school. I can catch up on series which I’m doing badly at, by the way, practice Spanish loving this, I found myself watching car reviews probably a new hobby. I have watched one amazing movie and it would be selfish of me not to share, Knives Out. Yeah, you have to try it if you haven’t, and if you have, watch it again. And lastly, learn Java. I’m using the book Head First Java, which I will do a review on soon. It’s pretty good. It’s not one of those technical boring book, thank goodness.

How are you keeping yourself busy?

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