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This week was a bit of a blur, but the ending was truly memorable. At the beginning of the year, I was invited to host the Hult Prize 2024 Nairobi Summit. At the time, it felt so far away, so I easily agreed. As this week began, I noticed I was added to several new WhatsApp groups related to the event, and emails from Hult Prize kept popping up on my screen. That’s when it hit me—it was real! Naturally, anxiety started creeping in.

A little back story, Hult Prize is an annual competition for ideas solving problems with pressing social issues such as food security, water access, energy and education. If you’re a university student eager to use your creativity to tackle a UN Sustainable Development Goal, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Naturally, I reached out to my support network—the people who always lift me up whenever my confidence starts to waver. And they did not disappoint.

Those who know me know I am introverted, so speaking to people let alone working a crowd as an MC is not really my cup of tea. I think one of the reasons I agreed to this opportunity was precisely because it’s so unlike me. It’s the kind of challenge that would definitely pull me out of my comfort zone! Besides, I’ve never done something like that before, so why not give it a chance! Who could pass up the chance to dress up in business attire, slip into some chic heels, and stand in front of a crowd?

Lulu at Hult Prize Nairobi 2024 Summit


Naturally, I ended the weekend by retreating to my home with a good book and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. There’s nothing like a proper recharge. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t lose my voice after spending two days speaking into a mic for more than 8 hours!

Who knows what the future holds for me in terms of speaking infront of crowds! But right now, all I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed myself.