I recently marked one year at Microsoft. The lessons and experiences alone are enough to make me feel like it’s been way over a year. To say I am grateful for the opportunity and the lessons would be an understatement. “Go for it” are the words I’d use to summarise the entire year. Here’s why…
Speak Up
It’s okay to share your thoughts and opinions even if you’re the least knowledgeable in a group. No one expects you to know everything and sharing what you think will not only increase your visibility but it’s a great way to learn. Because that way, someone else could either add onto what you said or correct it. Either way, you’ll leave that session smarter than when you entered it. Speaking up over time increased my confidence to take on more and more tasks, participate in more brainstorming sessions and generally just going for it! Ask questions, make comments, share your thoughts!

1 year anniversary flowers
Just start
You don’t need to know everything to start. As scary as that sounds, it’s true. The need to want to know every little thing is a rabbit hole deep enough to make sure you actually never get to start working on whatever it is you want to do. This doesn’t just apply to programming but literally everything and anything. Start! You’ll learn as you go along and there isn’t a better way to learn!
It has been an amazing year, nothing short of mind opening. I am definitely looking forward to the next year! Watch this space!!
1 year at Big Tech, so much growth!
Article suggestion: Working for Kenyan companies vs Working at Big Tech
Thank you!
Also that’s a great suggestion!!