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Switching from programming on Windows to Mac isn’t all that different. Common IDEs that work on windows also work on mac like Visual Studio Code, Pycharm. Although, there is one that works on one and doesn’t on the other. Xcode.

Xcode is an IDE (integrated development environment) for building applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Tv and Apple watch designed to run only on Mac. Its preferred laptop specs are MacOs 11 Big Sur, 8GB. Sometimes 4GB works okay, but to run smoothly, an 8GB is recommended.

Before I go any further let me explain what an IDE is. An integrated development environment is an application that provides all the necessary tools for developing an application. Debugging tools, a code editor and build automation tools.


How to download

Through the Mac app store

This is my preferred way of downloading it because there’s not so much I need to do in terms of installing, commands etc. Some would say I’m not a real developer, but I like convenience especially when it is reliable and also secure.

Downloading from the app store also makes it easy to update because when there’s a new version released, all you have to do is search Xcode in the store and click update.


Through the Apple Developer site

As I still prefer the app store, this site offers different versions of Xcode.


How to:

  1. Sign in to Apple Developer with your apple id.
  2. On the section with software select the latest version of Xcode; which in this case is Xcode 12.5.
  3.  Incase you want an earlier version, then search Xcode on the search bar at the top left to find the version you’re looking for
  4. After downloading, extract the .xip file by double clicking it. It will extract in the same folder; downloads.
  5. Drag the application to the applications folder. Your laptop should prompt you to do that.

Make sure to have a stable internet connection because it’s 8GB in size and could take a while. In both instances.

Testing apps on Xcode is done through an iPhone or iPad simulator that loads on the IDE.

Here is a tutorial on Xcode for beginners.

Happy building 😃.