An entire week of learning and or building a different project from my normal day to day! One of my favourite weeks at work. Meetings free(no I don’t hate meetings) and 5 days of unlimited possibility. Giddy is how I feel just before this week begins.

Hack Week Cake
Spent all my 5 days in the office. Something I have never done in my entire time at Microsoft. I like working from the office, I just don’t particularly enjoy the having to do commute everyday, twice a day. Also, my home office setup has a very special place in my heart. However, getting up early, dressing up and leaving the house for an environment where I’m guaranteed to be productive because I’m around productive people energises me sometimes. Let’s see how much the energy I’ve garnered up in the last five days will last. I’ll definitely be needing it next week.
A few months ago I promised myself that I’d spend my hack week, or at least some of it in the Garage at the Nairobi office. This is an environment in the office that allows curious people to tinker using all sorts of machines…3D Printers, a laser machine, 2D printing etc. Building robotics projects too. This week was my first time walking in there with the intention to build something. Very different from all the other FHL weeks I’ve had over the years.

3D Printer printing a cat book end

3D Model of a book end
The rest of it I spent learning and watching all the new courses on LLM (Large Language Models). If you’re in the engineering or tech industry you’d know that this is currently taking over the industry in a wave.
See you next week..I hope 🙂