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This has been the hardest series to keep track of for some reason, but in the spirit of the year coming to an end, I will share all of the coding related things I have enjoyed in November and the months before.

Debugger in Visual Studio

No one writes perfect code. I know I don’t. My code works theoretically, but many times practically it does not do what is expected. And the only way to find that out is to debug using a debugger. Setting break points in your code and running the application as you step through the code at each step to identify what is going wrong and why.

Debugger explained


Dark mode in Visual Studio

I may be late to this party, sue me. I changed the theme on Visual Studio to dark mode a month ago and I haven’t gone back since.

The question “how do you code in light mode” is all too familiar to me.

I’ve always been a light mode kinda girl, in everything. The past two months have seen me switch to dark mode one item at a time. I changed my email, calendar… haven’t gotten around to changing my phone though. We’ll see what happens.

Instrumental music

I don’t usually listen to music while working, but the other day I tried listening to slow classical music and my oh my did I concentrate. I am not sure how it works but I think the melodies help the brain stay focused for a long time. It also blocks out environmental noise. It’s my go-to when I start work early in the mornings and want to get the most done.

Try this

Paper to Editor

This isn’t just a November favourite, it’s all year favourite.

When I’m faced with a task or a problem, I have made it a habit to first break down the entire problem on paper, then write down the solution in steps and finally write the pseudo-code of the solution per step, on paper. I won’t type anything on my code editor until I have all this down. It makes the entire coding process faster as I have clearly thought of what I need to do. I haven’t perfected it yet, sometimes I jump straight it without thinking everything through and those are the times I have it the hardest.

I highly recommend this to any and all developers.


C++ Reference

For anyone using and or learning C++, this reference is your bible. I am on this page everyday finding libraries, methods and answering all the questions I have about programming in C++.


I’m curious to know what you use or do to make your coding experience easier.

See you next time. Ciao 😀