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Welcome to 2021, the year where we all we really want is just a modicum of normalcy. Nothing too ambitious, just how our lives were before Covid-19.

Albeit it all, Hello! and welcome to 2021!

I have decided to take it a month at a time this year, heck, a week at a time. And the lessons I had to learn last year, well those come with me in 2021, because something tells me I will need them.

I remember setting goals and resolutions in previous years and barely even getting 2 or 3 done and then end up feeling inadequate at the end of the year. Probably because my goals weren’t really broken down and that made them seem too ambitious. Or achieving something I had not set as a goal and not considering that as an achievement. It was all up in the air really. This year, I’m doing things differently, and so far so good.

First of all, I’m not calling them goals anymore but “what I’m looking forward to in 2021”.  It always helps to write them down somewhere, on paper, on your phone, or somewhere you can visit from time to time. For some reason, giving them this name makes them seem more within my reach. but that’s just me.   With that done, I just break them down into little deliverables. Monthly and weekly. This way, I just focus on achieving something small a day without having to think about the mammoth of a goal. It helps because those little steps are what lead to the bigger goal. When a person learns how to move around the first thing they do is crawl.

It all sounds simple until you get to the tricky part. Consistency. This is the one thing I am trying to master in 2021. The thing that makes consistency hard is the fact that sometimes, or many times my moods will affect whether I do or don’t do something. I have the time, resources, and the plan to do something but I won’t do it just because “I don’t feel like it”.

On the 13th day of January feels like day 100, I have maintained a streak of consistency, not perfect, but better than I’ve ever done especially since I have to hold myself accountable. Making that streak better is motivation enough to try again one more day, then the next, because a day is all I really have. I’m not perfect. I have had many many days where I’d rather do nothing and the mere thought of my to-do list just puts me off. But hey, that’s the challenge, isn’t it?


What’s the one thing you’re looking forward to in 2021, Or better yet, January 2021?  Let’s get through that first.